Gross Mendelsohn
IT Support

Contact Our Help Desk For Support


Client portal:

Phone: 410.929.1462

Client Portal Instructions

Accessing the portal

To access the portal, go to and click "Login with Microsoft." You can then log on with your company email and password.

client portal 1


First time access

The first time you try to log on to the portal, you may be required to confirm your email address.

client portal 2

Please confirm your email address and then try logging on again. 

No Microsoft account? If you do not have a Microsoft account, please email and we will assist setting up your access.



Don’t Just Take Our Word For It

“Transitioning to a new software system is not easy, but Gross Mendelsohn’s ability to listen and learn our business made this a smooth transition. Dynamics GP is a good accounting software program, but GP is an even better system because of the people at Gross Mendelsohn”

Anthony DiIenno, President HAVI




Benefits of Secure@Home Services

We're serious about fighting these cyber security threats so your home is protected from a cyber intrusion.

Level 1
This plan is best suited for customers who contact support only once or twice a month. They usually prefer to not include software upgrades, annual reviews, and custom reporting in a support plan. The cost for this plan is $850 per month and includes up to five hours of support per month. Additional hours of support or hours related to a software upgrade or custom reporting cost $220 per hour.
Level 2
Level 2 is best suited for customers who use up to 20 hours of support per month, intend to upgrade annually or bi-annually, and would benefit from an annual ERP system review. The cost for this plan is $3,000 per month. Any additional time, such as time for report customization, costs $210 per hour.
Level 3
Customers who use up to 30 hours per month support would be best suited at Level 3. In addition to 30 hours per month of support, this plan includes annual upgrades, an annual ERP review, and one custom report per month. The cost for the Level 3 plan is $5,000 per month. Any additional hours will be billed at $200 per hour.
Level 4
Level 4 is geared towards customers requiring up to 50 hours of support per month. This plan not only includes annual upgrades and an annual ERP review, but also includes two custom reports per month. The cost for the Level 4 plan is $8,000 per month, with any additional hours billed at $195 per hour.
Level 5
This is our top tier of support. This for organizations requiring more than 50 hours of support per month. In addition to regular support, annual upgrades, and an annual ERP review, Level 5 includes up to three custom reports per month. The cost for the Level 5 plan is $12,000 per month and any project over and above will be billed at $190 per hour. These options should fit any organization, but we always offer our traditional support plan if that's what your business prefers.