Make your organization stronger by using technology to do more with less.
Technology Solutions For Nonprofits
Use Technology to Do More With Less
Your staff might be leaner than you’d like, but that’s all the more reason to make sure your organization’s technology is working hard for you.
Our technology experts will help your organization use technology to automate routine tasks, eliminate the need for duplicate data entry, quickly generate key reports for stakeholders, and collaborate between different teams and departments.
Protect Data From Very Real Cyber Threats
Hackers are hard at work every day trying to steal information like credit card numbers, Social Security numbers and payroll information. A data breach can be a nonprofit’s worst nightmare. Not only does a security breach cause serious damage to your reputation, but that PR disaster will likely hurt the organization’s ability to attract future donors. Our team of cyber security specialists will work hard to protect your organization from data breaches and other threats like malware and viruses.
Get the Reports You Need With Less Effort
You already know the importance of monitoring your nonprofit’s performance by various aspects such as grant, fund, program and cost center.
You also likely know the pain and frustration of getting the reports you need to actively monitor budgets, fundraising goals and financial performance based on these same elements. Our reporting experts can help you figure out a way to get just the right information out of your system so you can make well-informed decisions.
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